
Dr. Ravindra Gunale
Dr. Gayatri
Dr. Pooja Soni

 Ayurveda mainly works on the Principle of Samshodhana (Purificative / Bio-cleansing) or Samshamana (Palliative) Chikitsa. Panchakarma is mainly Samshodhana Chikitsa.

Panchakarma means “five Karmas”, which include five major procedures Vamana (Therapeutic emesis), Virechana (Therapeutic purgation), Niruha Basti (Therapeutic Cleansing Enema), Anuvasana Basti (Therapeutic Oil Enema), Nasya (Therapeutic Nasal Administration of Medicine).

These Karmas mainly eliminates the vitiated, imbalanced Doshas and other waste materials from the body which leads to maintaining the Doshas in their balanced level and sites that cures the diseases, maintains the healthy life and also rejuvenates the body.

Apart from this many different other internal and external therapies are administered to the patients  in the department of Panchakarma for the treatment of various diseases of Musculo-Skeletal system disorders, Neurological disorders, Respiratory System disorders, Skin disorders, Gastrointestinal disorders, Metabolism disorders, Life style disorders, Psychiatric diseases etc. are effectively treated.
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+91 6357675561

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