
Dr Amol Koshti
Dr Ayana. R

The Department of Swasthavritta emphasizes on prevention and promotion of positive health through Ayurvedic point of view in corporation with Yoga and Naturopathy. The Swasthavritta department imparts training on the principles and practice of social and preventive medicine at both the personal and communal levels.   Promotion of positive health is dealt with the Ayurvedic viewpoint. Naturopathy and Yoga also comes under the purview of this department. Social and preventive medicine in Ayurveda deals with elaborate guidelines and regimens for maintaining and promoting health of the individual and the community as a whole. Regulation of life style, diet and behaviour on the basis of diurnal, seasonal and geographical variations as well as the constitution of the individual is an important component of preventive medicine in Ayurveda. Ayurvedic dietetics is a discipline in itself hence our department emphasizes on proper dietary guidelines to the patients also. Measures for periodical purification and rejuvenation of the body aim to promote vitality and positive health of the person. Ayurveda also deals with the principles of epidemiology and the prevention and management of communicable diseases. Swasthavritta department gives comprehensive training on preventive aspects of health care integrating modern concepts with principles of Ayurveda as well as Yoga and Naturopathy


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